- There is a maximum net profit on each individual race based on the track list, Daily Doubles, Pick 3’s, Pick 4’s and Pick 6’s count towards the last race in its sequence when calculating the race profit. The formula will be Net Profit equals Net Payout For Race minus Total Amount Wagered For Race. This resets for every individual race.
- There are no house odds. If there are no track payoffs for a certain type of wager, all wagers on that type will be refunded.
- If a track is not listed on the track list, the Maximum Net Profit defaults to $5,000, and action will be granted upon management approval.
- Any attempt to play negative pool hedges will result in account suspension.
- Horses are identified by saddlecloth number, not by name. Clients are responsible for their selections of both horse and race numbers.
- When you bet on a horse that is coupled, your wager includes all horses running under said number. If part of an entry is scratched and part of an entry runs, all wagers have action. There is no "must go" action as part of the entry.
- The time a wager is accepted will always be compared to the off time provided by the track (seconds are taken into consideration) and graded accordingly. If a wager is accepted after the race has begun it will be disqualified from any winnings and refunded.
- Wagers placed on bad /wrong lines product of human error will not be honored. All such wagers will be cancelled and refunded at Management’s discretion. If you notice a bad line notify us, we will appreciate your effort!